I'm sorry to say this but, Getting married to have papers in...

I'm sorry to say this but, Getting married to have papers in the US will not solve any issues.

Its a good thing he didn't do that. The US law force is really no joke. Don't your mom or dad ever told you" don't touch the stove b/c its hot" That's how the US law is.I've had some haitians asked me to marry them for paper's. I know its a long process to get papers in the US but, its not worth going to jail and get deported for, trust me.Its took me years to get mine and I recently found out I've been a US citizen for over 5yrs after having my papers.

Good things really do happen for those who wait and strive for what they'll after.

Basically, don't get married for papers, eventually you will get caught and when you do, you'll regret every bit of it.


Gracia Delva! Is he still with Zenglen?

Is it true that Gracia Delva has left Zenglen and went on to join D-Zine, Zenglen and Nu-Look opponent? Apparently...

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