it time to educated our sisterbrothers

Rebekkak - October 10 2006, 12:18 AM

dear alan cave'
i love your music and all that you are doing for the haitian community, but i have a comment it's not only for you but for all the haitian artist in haity their is about thousand of our sister's and brother's that are dieyinf of that dreadful diseasd call hiv/aids which is no one is talking about or even educating our young sister&brother how to protect them from the virus I'm a patient care tecnician for sunny downstate medical last year I went to haiti on my vacation to voluteer in the hospitat with doctor with out border i was shock to see and talk to young ladie and women who are effected from the virus in our country back in 1998-99 you brought thr issue up for discusion now i'm pleding with you and all the other artist let put our head and hand together like they doing for africa let us do for our country please our people are dying for lack of knowledge about this issue because to us is taboo,
with love and respect :)
ps please respond back please thak you love BeKKy

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